Located along Sarasota Bay, Harbor Acres is the most prestigious neighborhood West of the Trail. Ideally situated off Orange Avenue, between downtown and Sarasota Memorial Hospital, waterfront mansions & old Florida homes line the treed streets to form the perfect area. Many leading professionals prefer Harbor Acres over the barrier Islands because of the mainland location and the protected, deep-water basin with no bridges to the Gulf.
Active Properties Statistics
Properties On Market
Single Family: 7
Avg. Asking Price
Single Family: $5,102,143
Avg. Beds & baths
Single Family: 4/4
Avg. Asking Price Per Sqft
Single Family: $1170
Sold Properties
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* These market statistics are not guaranteed to be accurate and are meant only as an estimate. Statistics for Properties are based on the previous 90 days. Contact your agent for more detailed market information.